There are 2 ways to place notes on a simpleTAB staff.
1 -Simply click where you would like to place the note, and a dialog box will appear asking for the fret of the note you just placed.
2 - Move the cursor to the place where you would like to place the note. Type the fret number. If the fret is only 1 digit, there will be a slight pause between the time you type the number and when the note appears. This is to allow for frets greater than 9.
simpleTAB includes a feature where notes are 'locked' into certain positions in a measure. For example, a half note lock allows 2 notes to be placed in a measure, one at the beginning and one half way. To lock future notes into place, select the required lock from the Lock menu.
Adding Measures
To add a measure, choose Add Measure from the Song menu or type command-M.
Selecting Notes
To select a note, move the cursor over top of it. The cursor will turn to a hand. Click to select the note. All other notes will become deselected. To add a note to the current group of selected notes, hold down the shift key while clicking on a note.
Moving Notes
To move a note or group of notes, make sure they are selected. From here there are two ways to move the note(s):
1) Click on one of the notes and drag it to a new spot. The other notes will move relative to this note.
2) Use the arrow keys. The left and right arrows will move notes allong the staff, and the up and down keys will move the notes to new strings. The Page Up and Page Down keys move the note to new measures.
You can also change the fret number of selected notes. To do this, just use the '=' and '-' keys. All selected notes will have their fret numbers increased each time the '=' key is pressed and decreased each time the '-' key is pressed.
Deleting Notes
To delete selected notes, press the delete key.
Selecting Measures
To select a measure, click on it's measure number. To add a measure to the group of selected measures, hold down the shift key while clicking.
Adding Repeats
To add a start or end repeat to a measure, be sure it is selected, and click on the correct button on the toolbar at the top of the screen.
Repeats can also be added to selected measures by typing an 's' for a start repeat or an 'e' for an end repeat.
Adding a Time Signature
To add a time signature to a selected measure, click on the key signature tool on the tool bar at the top of the screen. To change a key signature, open the Measure Options... dialog box(described below).
Changing a Measure's Attributes
To access a measures attributes, double-click on the measure number of the measure you would like to change. Here, you can add or remove repeats, change the key signature, or adjust the measure length.
Adjusting Preferences
To adjust preferences, select Preferences... from the Edit menu. Here you can adjust the colors, add or remove measure numbers, change the default measure length, or change the space between lines of staves.